Sunday, December 21, 2014

photo dump.

I don't know how January is creeping up so fast. 
But it is.
And my emotions are totally jumbled. 
Most of all I'm so excited! 
The past eight days I watched the twins and then Victor then entire time, it was been such a fun time! I'm way to attached to my munchkins. :) The girls went to a cousin's house for the last five days and as I said goodbye I started crying! I don't know what's up with me. I guess I just imagined having to say goodbye for 18 months and that is going to kill me. Those kiddos have my whole heart. Good thing I'll stay the favorite and that I'll receive oodles of strength from the Lord! :) 
I'm done with finals, it's weird to think that I'm done with school for a whole year-and-a-half! But also a very nice feeling. :) I think I'm almost ready...I have most of my shopping done. I just need to gather up the little things! This is so surreal!
Since I haven't posted for such a long time...I'm just going to dump a whole lot of pictures. :) Starting from a whole two months ago! 
Halloween was so fun! I went to Shara's house on Halloween night and went trick-or-treating with her girls and Sherese's boys. Oh kiddos make holidays so much fun! They loved getting candy and Anna was so cute (and good!) to say thank you! Seriously, those them! The next day we had a family party and everyone was supposed to dress up! Well very few of them dressed up... I kinda stuck out! :)
Could you ever find a cuter monkey!? I'll answer that: NO! 
Bodee, Suzan, Anna, Wyatt
I had to get a picture with my little was a zoo! ;)  
I finally met up again with my dear friend, Laura, and her adorable boys! Her little one on the right has a bit of a facial paralysis. It is so good (and fun!) to visit with her and share my story with others. 
My mission call came! I got it on the 13th of November, my best friend and I got it on the same day! That was pretty cool. :) I was called to the Ventura, California mission and I leave in under a month! It's so unreal that I'm going to serve a mission like I've always dreamed of! I'm so excited for this new experience, truly through the Lord do I trust in! I know that through Him I'll be able to make it through all the hard days and sleepless nights. But, it is going to be more than worth it in the end.
I have the BEST friends!! 
Caitlin & I with our mission calls. :) 
Sammm... grateful she moved here and that we are bestest of friends!! 
My family...I don't know what in the world I would do without them. They're my rock! 
My mom and I had fun shopping, this suitcase was huge! Does anyone want to come with me!? I'm sure you'll fit! :) 
Samantha was kind enough to come shopping with us. We found a matching outfit, no we did not dare buy the shirts but had to take a picture! It was a fun (but very long) day. 
She must have said something really funny.... :)
We're...weird. :)
The week before Thanksgiving I went to visit my sisters who live in Eastern Utah. I stopped at Sherese's first and we had so much fun! We decorated for Christmas and played with a lot of horses and cows. :) I can't believe how much these boys are growing! It was always so sweet to hear Wyatt say his prayers at night, each of my sisters are such good examples of how to be a righteous mother.  Their little ones are so blessed!
Wyatt & Bodee
I then headed to Angelene's house and we of course decorated for Christmas there too! Hiram also helped me learn how to feed his turkeys and count all of the deer! He is obsessed with Winnie the Pooh, so he of course had to get all of his friends (which he can barely carry:) together to watch a show! And of course they had to watch Winnie the Pooh. :) 
Hiram was SO excited to go see 'Papi' (grandpa) and his tractor! He's such a patient little boy, we finally made it and he got to ride the tractor to his heart's content! 
I had the awesome opportunity to go through the Temple on the 28th of November. I was so thankful my entire family could be here! I'm surrounding by the most loving, supportive people. It was an amazing experience, I was reminded of the reality of our Savior, and Heavenly Father and the plan that they hold for us. Such a special experience, one that I will always treasure! I wasn't feeling the best and made it home just in time to throw up...I was just praying I wouldn't do it in the temple! :) haha.
 such handsome brothers and lovely sisters!
I was on my way to a final one day and this beautiful sunrise was taking place. I felt like it was God reminding me that everything was going to be okay, and that this new day was going to be wonderful! I love knowing He's always looking out for some way to bless us.
 My parents, James and I ventured out to the BYU vs. USU basketball game. It was a crazy good time! Although we lost the game, it was still so fun to be with my little family. My dad doesn't especially love the games, but he was a good sport. :) 
 I got a few pictures taken for my mission...things are getting crazy real! This past week I found out that a girl I went to High School with is in my mission!! I was so excited because I haven't found many going to my mission! And if I have they're all speaking Spanish! I quickly emailed her and have loved hearing from her how much she LOVES the mission.  It was such a tender mercy to find out that she's serving there! 
The love I feel from my Savior is undeniable and something I never want to go without.  I know that He lives and I know that He knows us. As I've studied my scriptures this week I have really been reminded how much Christ wants us each to return. I'm so excited to share His love with others. I want everyone to be able to know of Him, and have an opportunity to know Him personally and one day return to Him. I know this Gospel is true, and I love it with all my heart. 

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