Saturday, May 10, 2014

new {jersey} home

Summer is finally here, no more school, no homework! It has honestly been kind of weird, I sit on my bed thinking I have something to study for or a paper to write but then I remember I have none! It's such a great feeling. :)
Andy & I made it to Jersey after three long days of driving! I'm sure I could use 'I drove across the country in a big truck pulling a trailer' someday for something right!? haha. It was fun though, I was able to spend a lot of good quality time with Andy! I asked him what the best thing about his childhood was and he said 'The day you were born.' haha! Well, now we know who the favorite sister is. ;) haha, just kidding. We stopped in Lincoln, NE and Cleveland, OH.
The wind was super crazy in Wyoming!!! We passed 11 semis that had tipped over, I made Andrew start driving after that. :) Kinda terrifying! 
Driving across the Mississippi River! 
I was so happy to get out of that truck. :) haha. Even if it meant in a crazy rain storm!
Loren took me on a date out to dinner one night (how did I get the best brothers!?!). We had indian food, and I about died! It was so hot, but it was delicious. It was fun to be with him for the night! 

The next couple days, Friday and Saturday I helped him get things ready for the first day! All the boys were supposed to be here by Monday so those two days were very busy. Sunday I went to the home ward with Andy and Loren. It was a bit odd going to Relief Society all alone, but people there were very nice and it was a good meeting. After church I took a much needed four hour nap! I don't think I have ever take a nap that long! haha, the late nights and time change had gotten to me.
It is SOOO beautiful here! Sunday Andy and I enjoyed a walk around the golf course behind our apartments. 
That night I went with Andy to pick up my friends and future roommates (yay!), Liz, Andie and Cassie. We brought them back and got all settled in our new apartment! We drew names of who was rooming with who, Liz and I got the master bedroom. It's been so fun to have your friends as your roommates!

This has been the first real week. I am in the office, answering phones ('Hi, this is Julia with Pointe Pest Control, how can I help you?" :), doing computer work, and sometimes running errands. :) It's been good so far! I definitely miss my family and friends, and my cute little community. It is so weird having to get on the freeway here to go anywhere! But, I'm getting some good driving practice in. :)
Don't we look so cute in our Pointe bug shirts?! :) haha.

I love seeing how much Heavenly Father continues to bless me. Prayer is so real and truly changes your day. The other day I had forgotten my morning prayer and the rest of the day was hard. It wasn't awful but I was just wasn't happy. The next day I made sure to say my morning prayer and it was amazing how different it was, such a happy and wonderful day!! Heavenly Father is always listening!! I think I'm ready for my week #2 of this!! :) I'm so blessed.

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