Sunday, January 5, 2014

'for thy good...'

Today during the Sacrament I was reading my scriptures and found my new favorite scripture(s). The following...
These scriptures brought such peace into my heart. There have been some things I've been worried about with different trials that I've recently been blessed with. But these scriptures reminded me that everything that is placed before is to teach me. To bless me. To bring me closer to Christ. 
I know that my Savior lives, He is always reminding me to 'be not afraid, only believe.' I gain so much comfort knowing that He has suffered for my every little pain and affliction. Truly, without Him I would be lost. I know that prayer is real, and that Heavenly Father is listening to our every word and thought. He will always answer us, and will always bless us with what is best. I know that through the scriptures we can find peace, comfort, strength and hope. I love this Gospel. 

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