Saturday, November 2, 2013

Some firsts.

I'll start with the one I'm most excited about...
Yep! I finally got my ears pierced. It wasn't painful at all, but cleaning them regularly has been slightly annoying. But I'll deal with it! :) Six weeks couldn't come faster....
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My Christmas tree was up before Halloween this year! I don't really know if it's a first or not, but I'm super excited that it's up! I plug it in every night and read my scriptures under it. :) 
And, yes you do see that my new background is CHRISTMAS! I'm just too darn excited. Most definitely my favorite!! 
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Having older siblings I always dreamed of having their Christmas break. I mean, hello!? They get almost an entire month off!! And finally, it is my turn. But now I just have to keep reminding myself this...
College has been a bit stressful lately, but just breathe Julia! Thirteen more days of school (for me:). Aaah. 
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Emily and I trying to ride a bike together...haha it was interesting that's for sure! I really do love college. :) 
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This isn't a first...but Wy, Bod and Sherese came to visit! It was so much fun to have them here. I love my family! 
Silly Wy wouldn't look at the camera. Lucky auntie! 
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This cute girl came home from Dixie for a day and I got to see her!! It was so good to talk to her, I've been missing her.
We talked until about 1:30 AM, I didn't get to sleep until 2. What time was my class?! 8:30. Whoops, I woke up at 8 (the time I'm supposed to leave!), It was an interesting day...I went to my first class but skipped the rest. Enjoyed a Jamba and my friend and I wasted the rest of our morning watching Studio C. :) haha.  I can't wait until Thanksgiving to see her again! 
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Oh, and in case anyone hadn't heard....
this cutie is going to be a BIG brother!! Coming next April. :) 
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Life is good. I'm pretty blessed.

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