Sunday, August 25, 2013

You can depend on the Lord.

Today in Relief Society we talked about hope, and how hope helps us in trials. Someone mentioned how we need to always rely on the Lord. When she said that, I thought of this quote:
I've always loved this quote since Elder Eyring said it (read the full talk here). I was reminded about a seminary lesson that I had when we talked about how we shouldn't just pray to Heavenly Father when we need it, we shouldn't just ask for help when we need it, but we should rely and depend on Him 110%.  Give Him our all. 
I love my Heavenly Father and I love the peace He brings into my life as I depend on Him. We all can depend on the Lord and He will always help us with anything and everything! As I've relied on Him, He has given me strength beyond my own, peace, comfort, hope, faith and joy (I could just keep going!). I know God is real. I know that He loves you. I know that He will bless us in everything, as we remember Him and depend on Him always. I know these things without question. 

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