Girl's Camp this year was held at St. Charles's in Bear Lake. It was a beautiful place and was absolutely the most perfect way to end my 'Young Women' career! :) Soo much fun, loved every second! I would have to say that this was the best part of it all:
Yes! Rope jumping. Super duper scary at first but so worth it! We were supposed to continue hiking after our little pit stop at the lake but our kind leader, Lacy, decided that it wouldn't be nice of her to make us continue hiking in wet jeans (we weren't planning on jumping, hence the reason we weren't dressed right!). I am still so proud of myself for getting the courage to jump, I kind of even surprised myself! :) haha.
We left on Monday, I was packed by Saturday! What!? I know, I am usually such a procrastinator, so I was quite proud! So proud I had to take a picture. :) Plus, I packed a lot. Kind of embarrassing actually. :)
Here is Emily, Caitlin and I. We had some interesting conversations on the ride up...we also had some interesting sleeping arrangements. This is just one someone caught on camera! haha. I sure do love driving through the Logan Canyon (sarcasm!).
That night we had skits. They were pretty great! Especially the leader's, their's was the best!! :) haha.
This is Amber and I, our skit was on Snow White. I was being the 'magic mirror', the folder is supposed to be the mirror. :)
My awesome leaders dancing...they're so good that it turned out blurry!! :)
Mmmhmm. ;)
Working on some crafts!! Love my Laurels and bestest buds!
That's right, I took my hammock to Girl's Camp. :) It was a hit, especially with the beehives. They loved it!! I think I sat in it twice, haha!
On our way to Minnetonka Cave!!
Waiting for our tour...
Amber, Taya, me, Caitlin, Janell, Emily, McKenna, Katera.
Another odd sleeping arrangement! We were exhausted and it was the second day of camp. :) Amber is sleeping behind/on me, then it's Meagann and Emily.
Emily and I in the cave...too bad you can't see what's behind us! If you haven't been it's a must! 888 stairs and all. :)
After our tour, best group ever!!
This is my cute beehive 'baby', Katera. I was her secret sister so I was able to get to know her a little more than the rest! She is such a sweetie, I just love to her pieces! I actually just love all my little beehives and am going to miss them so much!!
Don't judge...
On our hike!! It was so beautiful!
A few of us decided to venture out and climb up this rock/cliff. Where the arrow is is where we hit our highest point. It was a lot of fun being little mountain goats! :)
Amber, myself and Teie' on top of the world! ;)
This right here is the cutest, most fun, amazing leader ever! Her name is Tara. :) I just love her and am so grateful that I've been able to have her as my leader! Her and her husband were also my Sunday School teachers earlier, they're the bestest! She's also going to have an adorable baby girl soon...she sacrificed two good nights rest to be with us crazy girls!! Thanks, Tara! :)
We were all contemplating on whether or not to jump off the rope...
This is a before and after picture of the hike. Don't be confused, we're in the same order in both pictures. Emily and Caitlin switched shirts because Emily didn't want to jump in the lake with a white shirt on. :)
Katera and Mette wanted to join in on our picture!
Accidental twinners!
I hate clean up day, it's so sad and I just hate cleaning up! happens everytime anyways. :)
We were being kind souls and helping the beehives with their tent. :)
Last day of camp. Some girls are every single one of them!
Girls plus leaders...
We headed to Bear Lake after we cleaned up. It was so wonderful!! This has honestly been the best summer yet and it's just going to get better. I've been so blessed to have been surrounded with such wonderful leaders, friends and examples. I love each of my girls and leaders and am so grateful for them!!
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Farewell to Girl's Camp, so many wonderful memories made. Guess I'll have to wait to be a leader for another one, that's kind of scary!
1 comment:
Julia, you are seriously too cute :) Thanks for saying such nice things about me! Camp was a blast, and I'm not sure what we're going to do without you next year! It wont be nearly as fun, that's for sure ;)
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