Yeah...there was a fire at Mountain Crest today! I was doing a lab in chemistry and the fire alarm went off. We all moseyed to the door when my V.P. came on the intercom and said, 'This is NOT a drill. Evacuate the building immediately.' My teacher then told us to grab our stuff and go to our 'meeting place.' As I walked out our classroom the hall was full of smoke, it was really stinky! Just my luck, I wore a short sleeve shirt and didn't have my jacket. :) It wasn't too cold outside, and we weren't out there for too long. Apparently a chemistry class was doing an experiment and something went wrong. Luckily the sprinklers in our classroom didn't go off, all the other chemistry classes' sprinklers did. :)
Life is pretty fantastic...would you like to hear why yesterday was the worst day ever?! Well first I had to play the piano in seminary, I feel like they always have to sing acapella with all the mistakes I make! Oh well... Then on to mutual. I always show up late to opening exercises so I don't have to play the piano...guess what?! They made me play the piano. Bagh!! I tried to forget about the mistakes I made and went to my activity. Brother Sessions, a member of my bishopric, came up to me and asked me if he could talk to me before the night was over. I said I would find him sometime and started playing a game. I was thinking the whole time about what he would want to talk to me about, I already have a calling and I don't think I've done something wrong!! Then it clicked. This is his month to conduct Sacrament Meeting. No!! I was going to be asked to speak. I eventually made it over to him and I was right. I told him that I would love to and he gave me a general conference talk. Fun fact, I spoke exactly one year ago this Sunday. If the days didn't change with the years...last year I spoke on February 19th, this year I'm speaking on the 17th (it's leap year...). Don't worry, yesterday wasn't that bad I'm just being dramatic. :) I am grateful for the opportunity to speak and share my testimony and hopefully strengthen other's.
School is pretty fantastic. It's a bit stressful at the moment but I'm trying to make the best of it. :) Seminary is just amazing! Yes, it is great to have an amazing teacher but the kids that are in that class make it even better. I'm really going to miss it!! Lucky for me though, I have Brother Salmond again next tri. :) I'm supposed to be done with seminary for the year, but since I don't have a class third hour next tri, why not have seminary?! :) haha. I talked to Brother Salmond yesterday and made sure it was okay with him to request him as my teacher. It's going to be the best 120 days of my life! :) haha. Would you like to hear another funny seminary story?! At least I think it's this past week when we were singing the opening hymn Brother Salmond asked all the seniors to raise their hand because he had a paper about a fireside. I raised my hand, then I saw everyone else put their hand down so I did as well, thinking he knew who was a senior and who wasn't. He skipped me so I stood up to go tell him that he missed me. As he was walking away he turned around and saw me behind him and he asked me what I needed. I told him I wanted one of the papers he was handing out and he told me that they were only for seniors! I said, I know...I'm a senior. I wish I could have taken a picture of his face right then - it was priceless! His eyes got big and you could tell that he was embarrassed and in total shock. He thought I was a junior... :) haha! I guess I look younger than I am! JK. :)
Life is pretty fantastic...would you like to hear why yesterday was the worst day ever?! Well first I had to play the piano in seminary, I feel like they always have to sing acapella with all the mistakes I make! Oh well... Then on to mutual. I always show up late to opening exercises so I don't have to play the piano...guess what?! They made me play the piano. Bagh!! I tried to forget about the mistakes I made and went to my activity. Brother Sessions, a member of my bishopric, came up to me and asked me if he could talk to me before the night was over. I said I would find him sometime and started playing a game. I was thinking the whole time about what he would want to talk to me about, I already have a calling and I don't think I've done something wrong!! Then it clicked. This is his month to conduct Sacrament Meeting. No!! I was going to be asked to speak. I eventually made it over to him and I was right. I told him that I would love to and he gave me a general conference talk. Fun fact, I spoke exactly one year ago this Sunday. If the days didn't change with the years...last year I spoke on February 19th, this year I'm speaking on the 17th (it's leap year...). Don't worry, yesterday wasn't that bad I'm just being dramatic. :) I am grateful for the opportunity to speak and share my testimony and hopefully strengthen other's.
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I'm sorry, this is random I know. I just have to have a picture in this post! haha. Ava & I seeing the elk at Hardware Ranch! |
I came across this video the other day and it made me sooo excited to one day be opening my own call! It is so weird (but SO awesome!) to have all the boys that I have grown up with talking about how they have turned in their papers. One boy just got his call to Chile and he is leaving March 27th! He is graduating this trimester, he will be back in time to play football for BYU. :)
Well, I think that's that for today. I'll leave you with a quote that I love...
“He has paid the price that He might know
how to succor you. Cast your burdens upon Him. Tell your Heavenly Father how
you feel. Tell Him about your pain and afflictions and then give them to Him.
Search the scriptures daily. There you will also find great solace and
- Sister Linda S. Reeves
This is actually from the talk that I'm talking on on Sunday. I know without a doubt that our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, knows each of us individually. They love us with a perfect, infinite love. I have felt the joy and peace that they can bring into our lives. Not only during hard times but during the happiest days where everything is going smoothly. I always need them, without them I would be lost. I'm so blessed!! Wish me luck on my talk... :)
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