76 days until graduation! No, I am not counting down, a kid in seminary informed me of that. My life is going by so quickly!! On February 1st & 2nd me and a couple friends are heading down to Snow College for a 'Snow Blast.' I still don't know for sure where I'm going, but I will say that I am leaning towards Snow. It's so exciting but scary! haha. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to. :)
Baby Feuz has a name! It's Anna. She is a cutie and Suzan is just absolutely adorable with her. I can't wait to see them again, hopefully sometime soon! *hint, hint, Shara. ;)* While my mom was visiting them I played 'mom.' All I will say is that it was alright. Haha, my mom is amazing and I don't know how she handles everything!
What a CUTE big sister, huh?! :) |
Hahaha. |
A big helper in the kitchen! |
She's a cutie!! |
This one makes me smile every time. Oh how I miss them!!!! |
A couple weeks ago when the Logan Temple was closed I had the opportunity to go to the Brigham City Temple with my friend, and James and his friend. I was so excited, I love going to new temples, especially brand new ones! :) It was beautiful. One flaw I saw? They made the font way too small, as they had to have me on the opposite side so when I went under they wouldn't hit my head. They did have two showers though, so that was super nice - no rushing! :) haha. It is beautiful, and am so grateful for all of the many temples we are blessed with!
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This is taken from my phone...but it was super duper freezing and the pretty blue sky made it look like a warm day! :) |
The Seminary recently put on a 'morningside'...at 6:40 in the morning! It was so worth waking up at 5:30 though, the spirit was wonderful and we were taught amazing things. I left about 6:20, so it was still dark and to make it worse it was really foggy. I was going pretty slow on the highway talking with my friends when blinking lights appeared in my rearview mirror. I started freaking out because first, I wasn't speeding. Second, I've never been pulled over before. And third, I wanted to get there on time! I then realized that he was getting into the other lane and he wasn't coming after me! I calmed down until I realized that there was a car in the fast lane next to me and they were trying to get over so the policeman could pass. I must have been in his (the other driver) blind spot because he almost hit me. It probably doesn't sound as scary on here, but I was yelling and freaking out. :) Just ask Taya & Amber. haha.
I'm super duper sad that this trimester is almost over. This has been by far the most amazing seminary experience I have ever had. Brother Salmond is amazing, but it also really helps to have amazing classmates who we all trust and can 'make it real' as Brother Salmond says. :) A day doesn't go by that I don't learn something, I love learning new things but especially things pertaining to the gospel. :) Just so you all know, I can easily laugh about my 'fainting spell' now and can't get over how funny it is. :) Haha, Brother Salmond was telling me about how he felt (and many class
members as well) that the Lord was using me as an instrument that day to bring
us closer together. I also had a girl tell me that it touched her heart that I
would so readily accept a blessing. I hadn't ever thought of it that way, but I
now see the whole experience in a different light. I love knowing that the Lord
knows that whatever He needs of me, I'm ready to do it! I'm here to do
what He needs done. The new curriculum is also pretty awesome. It's only been three weeks but I've learned a lot and love the new way of how it is more of a discussion than anything else. This month we are learning about the Godhead. I didn't know what I would be able to learn because I felt like I knew most of it, but I have learned a lot and my testimony has been strengthened. In Sunday School this past week I was assigned to read The Tender Mercies of the Lord by Elder Bednar. I love seeing the Lord's hand in my day and it is a huge reminder that He knows me personally and wants the very best for me. It is a great talk and you should all read it! I especially love seeing the little things. For example, I play the piano in seminary but since I quit a year ago I don't remember as much as I use to and I mess up. :) I usually try to practice every night since I don't know when I will be playing. Well, one night I totally spaced it and didn't practice and what do you know?! I was assigned to play. I prayed, asked for His help and just played. Guess what?! They weren't singing acapella most of the time (I feel like they do a lot!:). Haha, Heavenly Father truly helped me remember the notes I had practiced so long ago.
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