Sunday, October 20, 2013

Emma Smith.

Today I stayed home from church, Lee and I are both sick (no fun!). We decided to watch a church movie, and I chose Emma Smith. My gratitude and love for Emma was renewed and I am in awe of everything she went through. I hope to be more like her, she endured so much but stayed faithful through it all. I can't even begin to imagine loosing all those babies, and then my own husband. To watch Joseph go through so much, be shunned by your own father, to see your children leave the truthfulness of the gospel. Courage. Zeal. Patience.
Emma truly was an elect lady, I am so grateful for the sacrifices she made and the huge help she was to Joseph. I know that Joseph was a Prophet of God and that through him, the true Church has been restored to the earth. 
I love this Gospel.

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