Thursday, May 23, 2013

So long, farewell.

It's official.
Today I walked out of Mountain Crest for the last time. 
I just want to cry but yet at the same time shout hooray and run around screaming 'I'M DONE!' ;) I have made so many wonderful friends and memories in that building and have had wonderful learning experiences.  I'm proud to be a mustang and will be one forever! :) 
Monday is Memorial Day, Tuesday I'm just going to third hour (seminary:), and Wednesday is senior check out, then I'll make my way to seminary again. :) haha. Thursday is GRADUATION! Aaaah.
After I took my final today in FCHD 2400, Kayla and I decided to take a picture of ourselves on this momentous day. :)
 I'm so grateful to have gotten to know this amazing girl this year. Seriously, I'm so blessed. 
Tomorrow I'm going to Lagoon (whoo!). I'm kinda scared though, I've never really been on the 'scary' rides before. :) haha, don't worry though. I'll have fun. :) Off to bigger and greater (and scarier;) things, right?! haha. 

Just thought I'd share a tender mercy...
This past Friday I was once again reminded of my Heavenly Father's love for me and how much He cares about me. It's kind of a long story, but I was pulling out of my driveway and almost got in an accident. An accident that probably would have either killed me or left me seriously injured. Luckily the other driver was paying attention and realized I wasn't being as careful as I should have so he slowed down before I saw him. I know that Heavenly Father was watching over me, He helped Steven (the other driver) notice me and helped him to know to slow down. It was a huge wake-up call to me, number one I need to be more careful. :) And, number two - I was reminded that I have a purpose and that He loves me so much. He is truly in 'the details of our lives.' (President Monson). He knows us, better than we ourselves do! 

1 comment:

The Thorne Family said...

Yay for being done with High School!!! :D I'm glad you both were protected and didn't end up getting in an accident. I'm sure you have a wonderful purpose in life. Love ya Julia.